Thursday, 9 January 2014

MFP January Blog Hop Part #1, Day #3 - Out and About

Hi everyone, happy new year!  Its time for the first Mark's Finest Papers blog hop of the year!

This week is part one, and I'm not participating in the 'hop' portion of the event since I wil be participating in part two which is next week.  I did, however, contribute some samples to be included on the main blog. We have some really fun sets for you this week, today's set is the extra set this month and is also intended to go with the set from day #1.  It's called "Out and About"

Here is what I came up with:

Since this set is a bit more fun and casual I decided to use brigher colours and keep things a bit more crisp.  

If you'd like to participate in the first part of this month's blog hop be sure to visit the Mark's Finest Papers blog.  You'll have the chance to win some of this month's sets, and there is lots of inspiration being presented by the whole design team whether it be on the main blog or in this weeks hop. Please come back on tuesday when I'll be participating in part #2 of the blog hop along with the second half of the design team.  :)


  1. Love the way you have attached your dolls and outfits and the matching undies this week. Great job with these sets - hope you have good homes for them.

  2. I like that your doll is removable.


Thanks so much for your comments! I read them all and appreciate every word! :)